OpenUtilities Substation Help

Display of Solids and Surfaces

The 3D and B-splines dialog ( File > Settings > File > 3D and B-spline ) controls the default display of solid and surface elements, as well as B-spline curves and B-spline surfaces.

Surface and Solid Iso Lines

The solids and surfaces are displayed in Wireframe display mode. In Wireframe display mode, curved surfaces are represented both by their edge lines and a defined number of isolines. The isolines provide a visual indication of a surface's curvature.

With the default setting of 4, for example, a full cylindrical solid is displayed with four surface rule lines, while the same solid cut in half displays with two surface rule lines. Planar surfaces, which do not have curvature, are represented by their edge boundaries only.

In non-rendered views, curved surfaces are represented by isolines. Top: Surface/Solid Iso Lines set to 4 (the default). Bottom: Surface/Solid Iso Lines set to 10.